Leah at The Free Motion Quilting Project joined Lee’s Supernova Quilt-Along over at Freshly Pieced blog. Shown is Lee’s Supernova quilt. Don’t you love her color choices? So Springy. Visit Leah’s POST: Supernova Update to see her progress in the Supernova Quilt Along.
Editor’s Note 3/30/2011: Per Lee’s comment, I have now corrected this post. Please forgive the mistake.
Just clarifying in case of any misunderstandings: The quilt pictured above is not Leah’s, it’s mine (I’m Lee from Freshly Pieced). My Supernova Quilt-Along is still in the early stages, I haven’t even posted the piecing instructions yet. Leah’s post is about the fabric she has chosen for the quilt-along. But thanks for featuring a post about my quilt-along! : )