Last week, the southern United States got enough snow to justify full-on playtime. Five inches of the fluffy stuff in my hometown gave all of us the rare opportunity to sled and pitch snowballs. The same weather event made its way to the Northeast but they got several feet of snow and blizzard conditions.
That’s stay-inside-and-sew weather, right?
For the love of snow days, here’s a link to a free Snowball quilt block tutorial.
Snowball Quilt Tutorial, by Quackadoodle
{Credits: Image 1: Canstockphoto, Image 2: Quackadoodle Quilt}
Growing up in Wyoming, I have had my fill of snow…but even here in Southern Oregon we occasionally get a few inches of snow. It is always beautiful to watch it snow, but perfect sewing weather. The snowball quilt is a great one to do. Thank you for sharing!