Kate Spain of The Drawing Board published a post on her blog this evening called On Copyright and Tote Bags. In it she identifies herself as the designer whose attorney’s repeatedly threatened to sue Emily Cier of Carolina Patchworks and C&T Publishing. The issue had to do with one of Emily’s quilt books that C&T published.
Emily (author of Quilt Remix and Scrap Republic, among others) talked about this situation on her blog back in November 2011 in a post titled, An Interesting Read. She did not name the designer, but shared some of the content of the letter. She received 150 comments by bloggers, many names I recognized.
Emily published a post on her blog this evening called Resolution to {An Interesting Read}. In it there is a statement from Amy Marson (Publisher, C&T Publishing), and Emily Cier. Emily responded to Kate Spain’s post On Copyright and Tote Bags in another post this evening. Go HERE to read Emily’s More Sides To the Story.
Good grief. So much controversy. Makes my head hurt.