Many great things come out of the West Coast, the Modern Quilt Guild started in Los Angeles. So did the Quilt Revival Movement of the 1970’s. One of its pioneers, Joyce Gross, died December 24. I read about this in the Quilt Alliance Newsletter, Jan 4, 2013 edition. Found more about Joyce at The Quilters Hall of Fame Blog. And thankfully, the Quilt Alliance documented her quilting life here. Whatever we do in our quilt-y lives, we all benefit from the work of those who came before us. Let us remember Joyce Gross today.
Image credit: Quilt Alliance
Mom was amazing! She touched so many lives and took quilt research to a new level. I am so proud of who she was and what she did.
Vicki. So glad you dropped by to talk about your mom. So sorry about your loss. –Scarlett