I got some exciting mail from Carmen, a representative from OLFA, right before the holidays hit. Inside were these OLFA 5-inch Precision Appliqué Scissors
shown here. She asked me to try them out and share what I thought about this new product on Quilting at Craft Gossip. I was only too happy to oblige. Then I put them aside and forgot about them, for a while.
Preoccupied with another gift that arrived about the same time (the Accuquilt GO! Baby cutter), I was busy cutting out little birdies, photo left, and circles. All this for a Christmas-themed mini quilt for my daughter. As you can see in the photos, some of the applique shapes need to be released after going through the cutter. I first grabbed some kitchen scissors I had handy. Medium-size, but heavy with a dull blade to boot. In a flash of frustration I dug out the OLFA applique scissors Carmen sent me and tore open the package like a dieter opens a pack of Hostess 100-calorie cupcakes!
My thoughts. If you’ve used OLFA cutting products before you know they are sharp and allow for precise cutting. Beyond this, I was pleased by a feature you do not get in many scissors, at least in my collection of small scissors like storks. They are comfortable. Notice they have over-sized handles. I spent many happy hours with the OLFA 5-inch Applique Scissors in hand, releasing shapes from the Go! Baby and arranging them on my design board. I grew bored, so scrapped this quilt idea.
I moved on to a tree I found at We Shall Sew via Pinterest, photo left. She quilted this and wrapped it around a canvas. My version would be a regular wall hanging, see my appliqued quilt top right. Now I just need to quilt this baby (by hand) before Christmas 2012.
All images are my own except Sew Happy Quilt’s Christmas Tree.
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