Sit down and relax. Sip some coffee or tea and see some awesome quilts at Niftyquilts’ photostream.
Editor’s tip: Click Slideshow for hands free viewing.
Patterns, patchworks and projects
Sit down and relax. Sip some coffee or tea and see some awesome quilts at Niftyquilts’ photostream.
Editor’s tip: Click Slideshow for hands free viewing.
Welcome to an exciting quilting journey as this video guides you through the art of machine binding, ensuring a polished finish for your quilting projects. Join us in unraveling the secrets of machine binding mastery with this step-by-step tutorial video.
This machine binding tutorial is hands down the best I’ve come across, and I’ve been avidly watching quilting tutorials for years. The technique of leaving about an 1/8th of an inch of the quilt backing fabric visible during binding application was a revelation! Why didn’t I think of that before? It’s clear how this seemingly simple step can significantly enhance accuracy and overall appearance. Currently, I’m free-motion quilting the last two bordered sides of a large quilt, and I’m genuinely excited about the binding process
Can I just say that as someone who doesn’t quilt – these are AMAZING! When I think of quilts I think of the traditional variety – stars, log cabin, ect…
I can’t believe some of these. How gorgeous and creative!