Kacey at Stay at Home Artist created this colorful piece for her art studio. The quote by Dieter F. Uchtdorf is a message all creative types need to hear. Go HERE to download the printable.
Image credit: Stay at Home Artist
Ed. note 3/8/2012 5:40 pm CST: I am scratching through my Ed. note. Certainly did not mean to offend anyone.
Ed. note 3/9/2012 10:26 CST: I am going to close comments on this blog post now and remove the first ed note. In hindsight, I wish I had left the first editor’s note out, as I only want to concentrate here on all things right and good and crafty. I wish only to spread harmony and joy with this blog no matter what our differences or styles. I also removed the parenthesis (a Mormon), as this may offend as well. Not the intent, I assure you.
I do have personal opinions about things but I always try to be reasonable and even-handed in my writing. Just so you know, I am a human being, not an impartial computer program. I write early in the day and late, late into the night, in good moods and bad. And some days I may not be as charitable as on other days. Perhaps that’s part of what happened here. And for that, I ask you to forgive me. Let’s start over, shall we? And get back to talking about our love of crafts and creating.
I didn’t see any proselytizing in the blog post. She has a button on the sidebar, but there was no preaching. I’m not sure your warning is justified.
Where excatly does the proselytizing happen? Other than the I’m a Mormon button I found none. I guess this will be my last craft gossip surfing day. How offensive.
Stacy K.
I visit many blogs in the course of my Craft Gossip beat. One of the many reasons I adore the blogosphere is when I land on a blog, I don’t immediately see color, religious affiliation, economic status, and the like. However, I’ve noticed a number of blog owners – who happen to be Mormon – advertise (not a bad thing) their Christian faith on their blogs.
Here’s where I’m coming from on this, religiously. I’m Methodist and of the Christian faith, just as you are. Now, had I said something in my Editor’s Note such as “Watch out, I’m referring you to a Mormon blog and we (regular, mainstream Christians) all know it’s a cult.” Then, you would have something to complain about. Your inferring this from my editor’s note does not make this a fact. Methodists like to spread the Gospel too, but not in the same way. I have not once landed on a craft blog with a Methodist button or any other religious affiliation (Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist). If you want to spread the Mormon faith by referring your readers to a Latter Day Saints page in the midst of a tutorial, go for it.
But when a reader clicks on the Source and does not immediately see the thing (in this case the quote) one was referred to, it is very fair to call it what it is, proselytizing. We are both believers here and I have the utmost respect for your beliefs. Your focus on family and modesty is enviable. Had I wanted to, I could have long ago “boycotted” blogs with this button as this overt proselytizing makes me uncomfortable. But you can do a search on my sub blog Quilting at Craft Gossip and see this is certainly not the case.
For you to comment that you will boycott Craft Gossip, well, it seems a bit reactive. I suppose I could do the same thing in kind, boycott all overtly Mormon blogs. But consider an action or counter action of this sort would show the opposite of love and tolerance to the world. Not really the message either of us, as Christians, want to deliver.
Warmly…Scarlett Burroughs
Hello Snowcatcher,
Please see my reply to Stacy.
I think everyone should chill out. I think Scarlett has a good point, I don’t think that she was trying to slander Mormons. I don’t think that it is a big deal that she put the warning about the blog-actually, as an agnostic myself I appreciate it because I feel like so many craft blogs are just drenched in religion and there are lots of people who don’t want to see that. That said, I think anyone should be free to put anything they want about their religion on their blog-it’s their personal “space”. I don’t think the button is proselytizing. Everyone should have a “reader beware” attitude about blogs. We certainly don’t have to adopt the beliefs of anyone whose blog we read and enjoy. It’s a shame that there seems to be so much tension between Mormons and other Christians. Let’s just feel the love, people!
My own religious beliefs are irrelevant – but I’ll go as far as to say I’m not mormon. I found your warning unnecessary and offensive. If the blogger wants a button then go for it. I’m big and clever enough to make my own decision as to whether to follow their link or not. Just as I am capable of reading the text and taking on board the info I want and filtering out the rest!
The content of this blog is not offensive to me at all. However I feel your ed note was and publishing it was a very unwise and unnecessary move. Scratching it makes no difference it is still out there for everyone to see. Are you going to start warning me if bloggers are Muslim, or Jewish or is it just the Mormons promoting their faith that you have issue with?…