Wow! You can download these boy friendly street sign patterns at Ottobre Design. Get the pattern for a chimpanzee, friendly robots coloring pages and a dog sewing card too. So worth a trip over there as they have girl friendly patterns too. Click
HERE to see the index of free patterns.
Image credit: Ottobre Design
Ed. note 8/02/2012: I’ve gotten a few comments where readers are lamenting my labeling these street sign patterns as boy friendly, saying girls love them too. Sure, I’ll give you that some will at that age, but I’d say more boys will like them, as in poll results would show. Generalizations exist because there is some truth to them. I chose the wording because most of what’s in the blogosphere in the way of sewing for kids is very girl friendly. Cannot little boys have something of their own without being accused of excluding girls? I lament this double standard.
Ed. note 1/20/2013: The traffic signs download is no longer available.
Yes, there’s truth to generalizations, but that’s not a reason to reinforce gender stereotypes, even subtly. Why not simply present things like this without comment on who they’re “meant for” and let parents decide for themselves whether their child — boy or girl — would like them?
I think people need to learn not to type everything they think. I appreciate you labeling it BOY as it is HARD to find BOY stuff and I am always google searching and find nothing. Why does everyone want to turn everything into some sort of prejudice.
If you posted a girlie pink dress with lace no one would say a dam thing. Even though there are boys out there that like pink dresses with lace on it. I know a few. Bottom line is its still girlie.
Exactly my point, had it been something girlie and I called that to everyone’s attention, nary a word would be uttered.
Viva la difference + when there is cross-interest…that’s okay too!
Limitations are limitations, no matter how convenient they may make it to search for things. I vote for using descriptive words like “frilly” or “delicate” in place of “girly”. Words like “durable” or “simple” could often be used to describe things currently marketed to boys. “embellished” could apply to either gender.
What does it matter to the tutorial if you’re appliqueing a gun or a flower? Let’s try thinking of our children as a collection of their interests as opposed to a collection of their anatomy.
How kan i donwload okt free road desings for boys. Pleas
The patterns are no longer available. –Scarlett