Jacquie Gering designed this quilt to showcase two fabric lines – Mod Squad and Mod Basics by Birch Organic Fabric. You can download the pattern, Bouncing Wedges, at
Quilt Trends under Free Projects from the 2012 Summer Issue.
Editor’s note 11/30/2013: Quilt Trends has removed Jacquie’s Bouncing Wedges quilt pattern from their Free Projects page.
Image credit: Quilt Trends
Just in regard to you free offer of Jacquie Gering Bouncing Wedges quilt download, the final assembling instruction are missing could you please email missing instruction to me thank you (from Quilt Trends under Free Projects )
Debbie from Australia
I lost the insert for the Bouncing Wedges Quilt from the Quilt Trends Summer 2012. Your FREE Project does NOT include this. I have the pattern just not the templets.
Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter.
Sorry Debi, Quilt Trends no longer offers this pattern as a free download on their projects page. Sorry for the inconvenience. –Scarlett